The biggest challenges often need dedicated solutions

We love a big challenge, especially when it marries technology and the marine environment.
Engineering and support

Providing you with the perfect solution when it's not available off the shelf

Special use cases often require different approaches or interesting application of current techniques. Whether our existing technology requires modification or a completely new capability needs developing - we can help.

Machine learning and artificial intelligence

Data security and ownership can often be a blocker to companies leveraging the power of AI and Machine Learning. We are able to provide dedicated support for AI model generation using your data and only your data. We make these models available to you through our easy-to-use utilities. Alternatively, you might have a model already that you need to deploy at the edge – we can help with this too with Vaarst Edge Model Packages (VEMPs) and SubSLAM X2.

Moving into the world of AI can be a bit daunting, but get in touch to see how we can make it easy.

Vaarst Machine Learning And Artificial Intelligence Img

Custom data analytics

Processing and reviewing subsea datasets can be arduous, especially when the task is repetitive. Underwater pipeline inspections are a regular but painstaking undertaking, with data from multiple cameras and sensors that all need to be understood. Our Machine Learning capability turns a task that can take multiple days into one that takes a matter of hours.

Each customer’s pipeline inspection requirement is different. Get in touch to see how we can make your pipeline data easier and quicker to analyse, with fewer errors.

Vaarst Custom Data Analytics

Challenges overcome

Vaarst brings a wealth of knowledge and experience from offshore operations into the technical domain. We support all of our customers undertaking challenging projects in the best way possible.

Red Sea Global

SubSLAM supports Red Sea preservation

Vaarst supports underwater ecosystem preservation at Al Wajh Lagoon
Subslam X2 Red Sea Feature


Vaarst’s CEO talks scaling clean tech businesses with HRH Prince William

Leading pioneers in clean tech, including Vaarst’s CEO, Brian Allen, meet HRH Prince William at Sustainable Venture’s County Hall.
Vaarst CEO, Brian Allen, meeting with HRH Prince William


Baseline asset integrity survey of over 50 monopile turbine foundations using Vaarst’s SubSLAM® X2

Rovco, a leading provider of ROV and hydrographic services, contracted by a major energy operator, undertook a baseline asset integrity survey at a newly constructed offshore wind farm in the UK.
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ML Platform for pipeline inspection

Vaarst’s Machine Learning (ML) Platform is a solution to quickly event and QC hours of survey datasets in a fraction of the time and with a higher quality output.

SubSLAM® for visual inspection of mooring chains

A major Oil & Gas operator required a visual inspection of multiple mooring chains to be undertaken, to evaluate the wear of contact points. To do so, a contracted ROV service provider powered by Vaarst technology, SubSLAM® X2, was chosen to undertake the survey and collect the highest quality data possible.
Case Study Oil And Gas Scaled


SubSLAM® for vertical measurements of risers

Rovco, powered by Vaarst technology, was tasked by a leading Oil & Gas major operator to inspect the relative position of vertical conductors, located inside a jacket structure from a depth of approximately 80m to seabed.
Case Study Positioning 2 Scaled

Speak to a member of the team

Have a subsea data problem that you don’t know how to solve? Speak with a member of the team to discuss your needs.